The monthly Gold Market Chartbook is specifically designed to help busy investors like you quickly and easily understand the key drivers of risk vs opportunity in the gold market (and how it fits into traditional portfolios).
The pack includes over 50 charts, specialized indicators, and unique data, spanning:
Sentiment/Flows/Positioning (where are the pressures building up?)
Technicals, Global Gold Price (momentum, trend, divergences)
Long-term & Valuation Indicators (is gold overvalued?)
Gold Influences: Monetary & Macro (monetary tailwinds in play)
Gold Influences: Supply & Demand (supply vs demand outlook)
Gold Priced in other Currencies (what’s gold doing elsewhere?)
Gold Price Ratios (how is gold performing vs other assets?)
Asset Allocation Perspectives on Gold (how does gold fit in portfolios?)
Asset Watch: Stocks/Bonds/USD/Credit (risks vs opportunities in other major asset classes — and how that compares vs gold)
The pack is presented by Topdown Charts; leveraging a strong track record of excellence in global macro and asset allocation research to help you make sense of the gold market.
Subscribe now to Unlock the latest monthly pack and join the distribution list to receive future editions:
Along with the charts (+glossary explaining the principles and concepts behind the charts), also included is a summary dashboard to help you get a quick sense of where things are sitting:
Act Now — activate a 7-day trial pass now to get instant access to the latest chartbook + archives and see if it’s right for you:
If you have any questions/suggestions about the material or requests, simply get in touch via the website, we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Best regards,
Callum Thomas
Head of Research & Founder
Topdown Charts |
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