The Monthly Gold Market Guidebook

  • Just Gold

  • Just Charts

  • Just For Investors

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Who is this for?

This chart pack is designed for the busy investor who just wants to know the facts about the gold market, and what to do next...

You’re trying to manage your portfolio, and you want to know how gold fits in.

You’re tired of trying to scrape together the information yourself, maybe you don’t have the 5-figure budget to access all the different premium data series, or you don’t have time/patience to develop and uncover unique data and indicators to help work out whether it’s a risk vs opportunity…

>>> AND you just want it all in one place so you can easily and quickly find out what you need to know about the gold market as an investor (without having to read constant updates and emails).

We do the work for you — finally you can get all the charts that matter on the gold market… and from a firm that has a history of excellence in macro and asset allocation, so you know it’s going to be helpful and relevant.

The pack

The monthly pack contains more than 50 charts, with unique data and specialized indicators to help you make sense of the market. The indicators are grouped within the following five categories: sentiment/flows/positioning, technicals, valuations, monetary/macro, supply and demand.

This is supplemented with gold price ratio and global gold market price charts to help detect opportunities and get a lead on the US$ gold price. Also offered in the pack is a look at gold from the perspective of an active asset allocator, and how it fits in portfolios (and how it compares to other major assets).

Upgrade to paid now to unlock the latest monthly pack and join the distribution list to receive future editions.

Along with the charts + glossary explaining the principles behind the charts (how to use them and how to think like a pro analyst), also included is a summary dashboard to help get a quick sense of where things are sitting:

Main Deliverables and Principles

The goals are to deliver 2 things in this pack:

Insight = revealing to you that which you could not see before

(presenting new data and indicators, new ways of looking at things, updated and fresh data, plain and simple visibility of what is)

Decision Support = minimizing confusion and maximizing certainty

(including only the right stuff, in the right way, at the right time so that you can make decisions easily, and understand the key drivers of risk and return)

FREE TRIAL — activate your 7-day trial pass now to get instant access to the latest chartbook + archives and see if it’s right for you:

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The Monthly Gold Market Guidebook is presented by Topdown Charts.

Subscribe to Monthly Gold Market Chartbook

The monthly Gold Market Chartbook is packed with over 50 charts, unique data series, and specialized indicators to help you make sense of the market.


Head of Research and Founder @topdowncharts Likes: charts, data, macro, multi-asset investing, economics, geopolitics, space, science, hiking, fishing, golf, mountain biking.